Christopher Gibson is "The Lead Revuer" and originator of “The Christian Book Revue” blog. He serves as the primary "revuer" (for right now, "only revuer" would be an accurate description). The idea was birthed from his own love of reading and his Christian faith (see "Influential Books in My Life").
His goal with this blog is to provide theologically informed revues of books from a broad evangelical viewpoint (see his “Statement of Faith” and “How to Revue a Book” pages). His concern is that Christians often read books without ever considering the theological perspective and implications of the book.
His education includes a bachelor degree in philosophy and religion, a master of arts in theological studies, and a master of education degree in clinical mental health counseling. In addition, he has served in full-time, as well as part-time, pastoral ministry for over ten years.
His current interest and book revues are in the areas of Christian psychology and counseling as well as Christian spirituality and pastoral ministry. Other revues will be added that include biblical studies, Christian living, philosophical, and theological works.